Future with be going to + verb


The near future (be going to+verb) is used with future plans and spontaneous decisions that we make at the time of speaking. It is also used to make predictions about the future. To put a verb in the near future, we use am, is, or are (present simple of to be) followed by going to+verb.

The following table has more details about this tense. Take a look at it.

Basic notes about the future with be going to +verb

FORM Formation rule: subject+am/are/is+going to+verb
Affirmative/Positive: I am going to have/tell ✔We/You/They are going to have ✔ He/She/It is going to have
Negative: I am not going to have/tell ✔ We/You/They are not going to have/tell ✔He/She/It is not going to have/tell
Interrogative: Am I going to have/tell? ✔Are we/you/they going to have/tell?Is he/she/it going to have/tell?
USE/FUNCTION1. Planned actions
2. Predictions with physical evidence
3. Actions taking place in the near future
EXAMPLES1. We are going to have the final exams next June.
2. Look! The baby is going to fall off the balcony.
3. The train is going to leave in thirty minutes.
SIGNAL WORDS– Next + expression of time
– Look! …….
– At/on/in + time expression


Give the future tense of the verbs between parentheses using ‘ going to’ (affirmative, negative, and interrogative)

  1. I tell them I (come).
  2. The plane ( take off).
  3. He( agree).
  4. I know he  (make it).
  5. You( talk) to strangers.
  6. We ( be) there around five.
  7. She( turn) him down.
  8. He( become) Prime Minister.
  9. They (mee in front of the church.
  10. You ( like) this.
  11. The temperature (fall) .
  12. The train (leave).
  13. She (obey) his order.
  14. They(call).
  15. The plane (fly) over the Pacific.
  16. He (cancel) the meeting.
  17. They (break off) the agreement.
  18. He (die) rich .
  19. They (send) a mail after they have a rest.
  20. Hurry up the film (start).


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